Alexander M. Geisler

Alexander M. Geisler

Postdoctoral researcher

University of St. Gallen


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University St. Gallen specializing in the fields of political communication, comparative politics, and participatory institutions. I completed my dissertation in June 2023 as part of the project “A non-populist theory of direct democracy”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation at the University of Geneva.
The project involved piloting a novel process of political participation in Switzerland called the Citizens’ Initiative Review, where a small panel of randomly selected citizens informs fellow voters about an upcoming popular vote with a summary statement.
The first iteration of "Demoscan" took place in the municipality of Sion in the south-west of Switzerland (Canton of Valais) in fall 2019. The second pilot took place on two weekends in September 2021 at the cantonal level in Geneva.

  • Political communication
  • Democratic innovations
  • Political methodology
  • Inequality research
  • Ph.D. in political science, 2023

    University of Geneva

  • M.A. in Empirical Social Sciences, 2018

    University of Stuttgart

  • B.A. in Social Sciences, 2015

    University of Stuttgart

Research projects


“Rencontres citoyennes” Lausanne 2021

Local mini-public discussing improvements in the development of the city quarter Entre-Bois

Demoscan Geneva 2021

The first Swiss cantonal mini-public discussing a popular initiative proposal.

Citizens' Forum Geneva

Citizens’ Forum Geneva

The first Swiss mini-public discussing climate policies at the cantonal level

Citizen panel for more climate protection Uster 2021

The first local mini-public discussing climate protection policies in German-speaking Switzerland.

Demoscan pilot project Sion 2019

Demoscan pilot project Sion 2019

First pilot Citizens’ Initiative Review process in Switzerland.
